What's included in the OC PREP : PACK 1 - Mathematical Skills?

10 Modules - Each Module contains:

  • Video lessons to provide basic concepts through sufficient examples, Classwork and Exercises for Year 4 and 5
  • Quizzes for formative assessment and consolidation of concept Separate challenge section to enrich learning
  • A test at the end of the module for summative assessment to give confidence to the students

OC PREP : PACK 1 - Mathematical Skills 

Meet the instructor

Nishka Tapaswi

Nishka Tapaswi has coached students for Selective Entrance Exam for NSW and Opportunity Class Entrance Exam for last three years. She herself had gone through the path of Opportunity Class and Selective School. Currently, she is perusing her Doctor of Medicine degree from University of New South Wales.
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